Frequently Asked Questions
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How are wigs and toppers attached to the head? 
Wigs and toppers can be attached in many different ways. Five of the most popular methods available today are:
Long Term Adhesives
Many hair systems suggest using long-term adhesives to attach custom laces front wigs to the skin so that they can be worn up to four weeks without removal. This is very convenient if you live next door to a salon that carries this service, but we believe skin (especially the skin of women undergoing chemotherapy or dealing with alopecia) should be given every chance to be breath and be healthy. This method had changed the lives of many women and some belive it is the greatest way to wear a topper but, we have done our research on this process and the removers used every month can be harmful to your body and therefore we feel they are dangerous to your bloodstream and will prevent any possible health at the hair folicle.
The Art of Wigs strongly suggests applying and removing your wig each day with adhesive glues or tapes that are natural adhesives strong enough to hold your wig in place all day.
Short Term Adhesives
Skin should always be cleaned with alcohol to remove oils that may prevent sticking before attaching a lace front wig with adhesive glue or tape. A thin layer of Spirit Gum adhesive glue is applied sparingly to the skin with an application brush, using dabbing motions. Once Spirit Gum becomes slightly tacky, lace is placed onto the skin and tapped with the velour powder puff until it feels secure. Spirit Gum can be removed from the skin with alcohol or a gentle Spirit Gum remover.
This form of adhesion is simple and easy but is not recommended on your hairline lace. Due to nature of this tape, it is strong enough to tear and rip your delicate lacefront wigs. Tapes can looky shiney and obvious when used on the lace fronts of wigs or too close to the edge. Tapes are only used on the interior of your wig to secure it to the head if there is little or no hair on the head. Sometimes some carefully placed tape near the front hairline of a lace front wig can secure it enough to avoid using an adhesive. Especially if your hairline is not exposed or you have a nice bang or fringe in your hairstyle. Tape can be removed gently with rubbing alcohol or baby oil.
Clips and Combs
Clips and combs come in all shapes and sizes. The most popular clip is a spring clip. Clips can be placed and sewn anywhere you need on the interior of a wig or topper. We recommend sewn more than enough clips into a wig so that you can rotate security on hair or scalp areas that may be sensitive that day. One clip at the center front of the wig away from your hairline, Two more clips at the nape to prevent rising at the back, and two more at the temples, is the standard clip placement.
Clamping and Integration
This form of wig attachment is used to attach a without using as much adhesive on the skin as bonding. In some cases, no adhesive is required and the hairpiece is placed on the area and then small pieces of the surrounding hair is pulled through holes around the perimiter of the wig. Once the hair is through the hole, the hair strands are locked down with either glue or a metal clamps similar to the ones used with attatching an hair extension. This prevents the hair from slipping back through the hole and therefor attaches the wig to the head for about 4 weeks. As growth happens the clamps must be removed and reclamped to resecure the hairpiece to the head. This is time consuming and expensive and we hear the first weeks are great but the piece wiggles after that as the hair grows. We are also not thrilled with the tension and pressure that a clamp can place on a hair that is damaged or in trouble. Extensions are not the greatest Idea for a hair that is compromised in any way and can cause hair breakage and traction alopecia.
How do I remove a wig? 
Well, let's look at your adhesives again. How you remove a wig is just as important as how you attach it.
Long Term Adhesives - These removers are only recommended to be used by professional stylists and your wig is usally removed and then reapplied in the same appointment. Make sure that these removers are non-toxic or made from all natural ingredients. Always ask to read the back of the bottle and beware of citric acid based removers is you have sensitve skin. This is a natural exfolient and can cause irritation and burning if used incorrectly or on a delicate scalp.
Short Term Adhesives - Spirit Gum left on the lace front of your wig or your skin can be dissolved and wiped gently with a soft paint/makeup brush or cotton ball soaked in 91% alcohol or Spirit Gum Remover. If skin starts to feel sensitive, apply baby oil or Neosporin before bedtime and remove the next morning with cleansing soap, skin cleanser or 91% alcohol before applying wig again.
Tapes - Depending on the strength of the tape used. A gentle tape can be removed by simple lifting the wig off the head gently and then removing each piece like a band-aid from the skin. A stronger tape can be removed easily by using a little 91% or even 70% alcohol on a soft paint/makeup brush and wetting the tape, seperating it from wig and from skin.
Clips and Combs - simple, fast, and easy. snap, snap, snap and you are finished. The only thing to be wary of is getting hairs caught in the teeth upon removal.
Clamping or Intergration - If you are clamped into your wig then we recommend having a professional remove and reclamp you wig.
How should I store my wig? 
When storing a wig then it is best to have a designated area that you will keep your wig. For long term storage you should keep your wig in a custom wig box with a styrofoam or canvas head supporting it's foundation or stuffed with tissue and placed carefully in a shoe box. Always store your wig after it has been cleaned and brushed. Never store you wig if it is damp or wet or full of spray or hair product. Keep your box in a dry and cool area away form lights and possible elemental damage. Unfortunatly, wigs will not last forever, no matter how you store them, so if you are done with your wig and your iwg still looks good and is without damage then please donate it for someone else.
How do I travel with a wig? 
Travel can cause some issues when trying to move a few different wigs around in your luggage. You could either purchase a wig case, wear the same wig on your vacation or work call, or fold up a backup wig in your bag. If you don't have a wig case and are either wearing your wig on the trip or folding an extra in a bag then the lightest solution is either a metal collapsable wig stand or a styrofoam head. It is impossible to style a wig on a wire wig stand but if you have a natural look or something that can be sprayed with a water bottle and then swept up in a ponytail or a french twist then you will be just fine. Wigs that require a bit more work will need a styrofaom head to work with.
If your bringing a head with you for styling then don't forget your wig clamp!
The Art of Wigs will send your custom lace front wig to you in a beautiful wig case, where you will store your wig. We also provide a Styrofoam head form to ensure your wig will hold its natural shape and doesn’t get crushed or flattened. If hair is long, be sure to store your wig out of the case so the back hair hangs off a shelf - even for a day and especially when drying it.
Should I cut the lace? 
The shorter the lace, the shorter the life of the wig. The lace is designed to disappear and cannot be seen, even up close. It's best to have at least a quarter to a half inch of lace, so the wig can be glued and styled again and again without damage to the fine baby hairs along the front edge. If you're fortunate enough to have your hair grow back, the wig can be secured with pins as it grows out. The front lace can then be shortened or folded over as the hairline reappears.
Should I apply powder or makeup over the lace when I wear it? 
No. The delicate nature of the lace makes it invisible. Think of it as a fine spider web that only becomes visible when sprayed with water. The cleaner the lace, the more invisible it is to the eye, so applying powder or makeup can make it more obvious.
Can I use hairspray on my wig? 
Yes, but use a light non-aerosol spray. Avoid heavy lacquer based sprays as they can leave residue and weigh down the wig.
Can I use heat (blow dryer, curling iron, straight iron) on my wig? 
Human hair wigs can withstand light heat for gentle styling and maintenance.
Do I need a wig cap or Comfy Grip? 
You can wear a cotton wig cap to hide excess hair under your wig or to act as a buffer if your wig is uncomfortable. Wig caps come in flesh, brown or blonde and are like cotton, nylon stockings that go over the top of the head and hair is tucked underneath. Comfy Grip bands are silicone head bands that are worn if you don't have hair and are placed under the wig to prevent slippage and to prevent soreness or chafing.
The Art of Wigs custom lace front wig caps are made of silk and are extremely comfortable, so you shouldn't need a wig cap or Comfy Grip, but they are available for extra comfort.
What are some other helpul tips? 
Chemotherapy dries the skin, and using alcohol on the skin where the tape or glue was may leave it irritated. If you wear your custom wig every day, apply a small amount of Neosporin to these areas each night.
Before you place your wig, clean the skin with alcohol to ensure good adhesion. Do not apply sunscreens or lotions to your face until after your wig has been taped or glued because they will make your skin greasy and the tape will not stick.
Remember to always clean tools and accessories thoroughly, especially brushes, after each use to prevent contamination. Brushes can be cleaned with alcohol, or with acetone (can be purchased at a drug store) for quicker glue removal.
How do you go about donating hair for a loved one? 
This amazing service is my favorite kind of wig to build. In a time when you have the least control of what is happening around you, donating your hair can be fun and rewarding for everyone. First, we have to decide whether or not you and any other friends and family are good donators. We don’t want to make a wig that does not help your friend or loved one feel wonderful, healthy and happy. We need to make a wig that allows your loved one to feel like themselves. I cannot color hair to make it look like the client since it can cause more stress to the hair. Think about texture, color, and length. If you are not sure please feel free to email photos of all parties involved to me and I will be happy to help you. Next, we have to talk about time. I will need to send you instructions on how to measure her head if you cannot make it to the studio. They are easy to follow but, your friend will need help taking them correctly to assure a perfect fit. The moment I receive all the measurements, photos, cap tracings and hair donations you can plan on a wait time of about 8 – 10 weeks. Making a wig of this caliber is very time consuming and to make it perfect I need time to create it. I will let you know a week in advance when the wig is ready so we can plan on how we are going to cut and style the wig ,and where. If you have a hairdresser you love then I will be happy to talk with them about the process or come to her studio. The price of a custom wig is $1600.00 to $1900.00. I need to have at least 220 grams of hair ( 1 thick ponytail -3 small ponytais) to make 1 wig so if your donation isn’t enough I will first go into my amazing stock from other beautiful people. If we aren’t successful there, then I will need to order hair for your wig that matches your donation. This can increase the price and I will let you know if that happens before I order. I do require a $300 non-refundable deposit before beginning any wig.
If you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call or email.I’m happy to help in any way I can. Thank you, Stephanie Caillabet